Good Morning!

morning flower

Sometimes it takes a little longer to see the sun rise per se when you are perched in a field alongside a mountain but it’s certainly worth the wait nonetheless.  On this particular morning I was happy just to get away from the noise of the city and quietly blend into a little valley between two mountain peaks.  When I say city noise I don’t necessarily mean the typical noises we hear with our ears…sometimes it’s the noise from the energy of all the hussle-bussle-stressful-business the daily grind imparts on our soul.  On this morning I wasn’t concerned with capturing technically perfect pictures rather images I could keep on the ready to remind me of the most simple pleasures spending time in the mountains provides and how getting away from the noise is so valuable to me.

morning flowers basking in the sun

morning flowers basking in the sun

Enjoy a moment of quiet peace…

The Urban Mountaineer

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