“I am” therefore….

The John Denver Memorial Park

I’ve found lately that if I just enjoy the moments as they come and not worry so much about which moment will come next, which decision I think I’ll need to make soon or which path I should be on in order to get to where I want to go …later, I find myself effortlessly in a beautiful and peaceful place.

That place could simply just be yet another moment…one of feeling bliss, sharing a laugh while creating a new recipe with my daughter or stretching out on a bench in a park listening to the birds sing (Oooooooh I know this sounds so super over-the-top fluffy but who cares, it’s my blog  I can be fluffy every once in a while).

Instead of looking for beauty and peace I allow myself to just “BE” and the beauty and peace simply finds me.  When I say “BE” I am referring to being in the “I AM” moment.  Nothing tells the universe more than “I AM” what to deliver to your doorstep.  Those two words literally create the world you experience.

On this particular day I was wandering around in Aspen with no intentional destination.  I was simply enjoying the day…the moment, feeling happy and full of gratitude when I realized that (from what seemed like out of nowhere) the most peaceful park had magically found me.  And there I was standing in the middle of the John Denver Memorial park.  I’ve been to Aspen a million times and seriously, I’d have to ask for directions to get back to this park.  I’ve never been to it before but there I was as If it magically appeared around me, standing in the middle of this beautiful park.

It was as if while I was living in “the moment” the universe feverishly whipped up this park and strategically placed each and every monument to surprise me at various moments and then snapped it’s fingers and said “ta-daaaaaaa” is this what you were thinking about?

“I AM beautiful, I AM abundant, I AM full of wonderful surprises, I AM peaceful….yes universe that was exactly what I was thinking.

~ “I AM” The Urban Mountaineer

John Denver Memorial Park

4 thoughts on ““I am” therefore….

    • Thanks girl, btw your photography is just amazing! I’ll be jealous the whole time you’re in MT taking the SI course 🙂

  1. I am awakening to the world that has been hidden just out of sight for so very long. Thank you so very much for this sharing of your Soul, it is a gentle reminder from the universe around me that I AM on the right path. The one that leads me, and tells me to just be, and love as many as you see. It tells me to remind others of their beauty and perfect design. As a bonus, I love John Denver who reminds us that it is the wisdom of the children that will lead the way to peace in our world and in the hearts of so very many that hurt. I am a Christian but not one that has been called to judge so I believe that real peace comes in finding one’s Faith and when we realize that God really does love us and that we are not alone. I will be visiting Aspen soon and will look for this park. Thank You. I Am so Thankful for finding your words here.

    • Thank you for your kind words Billy – I have to remind myself of this every once in a while and now that I am on another journey in life I can’t think of a better time to revisit this myself.

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