Letting go…again

San Francisco Bay Area

I’ve been trying to let go of this “thing” now for the past month or so after realizing it was pointless to hang on to what apparently no longer existed.  However, I kept hanging on to this “thing” while at the same time trying to let it go.  It’s been a complete emotional tug of war that has kept me standing in the same spot over and over again.

Almost every day I would imagine myself walking to the cliff’s edge overlooking the ocean, face into the wind and there I would tell myself to throw this “thing” over the edge.  But every time I imagined this, my fist was tight and my hand wouldn’t open.  I simply never could let it go.

And so I continued to hold on tightly to this “thing”.

Last night I walked to the cliff’s edge yet again, face into the wind as usual…and took a long deep breath.  And to my surprise gone was the tight fist that always kept my hand closed.  My hand was open and I was finally able to let go of that “thing”.  I didn’t even have to throw it because the universe took care of that for me once it knew I was ready to let go.  The wind simply picked it up gently right out of my opened hand and carried it back and beyond me where I stood.  It did that so I wouldn’t have to see it anymore or be distracted by it while I stood there and marveled at the beauty and healing powers of the ocean.  I lingered for  a while as I continued looking forward.

And do you want to know what happened after that?

The breeze felt amazing on my face!

I am,
The Urban Mountaineer

2 thoughts on “Letting go…again

  1. Darcy…I know how hard it’s to let go. I have been in that dilemma a couple of times in my life and I know it’s difficult even when we know it has to be done and it’s the for the best specially when it tends to affect us so deeply.
    I am glad you have moving past that “thing”. Know that you have a friend here that is always available to talk about everything and will always side with you.

    Kind regards,

    PS. I will be visiting my sons (who both live in Denver) in the near future. Maybe we can meet and share a glass or two of wine.

    • Julian,
      I’m just seeng this now. You are always such a kind friend!!! Please do let me know when you are in Denver, I’d love to meet up.

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