My pictures just don’t do her justice

Image of the Gold Gate Bridge

It’s been said that Princess Diana was the most photographed woman in the world but I believe San Francisco’s iconic Golden Gate Bridge has got her beat.  That being said I could hardly consider myself a resident until I took at least one pic of her.  And so I have…finally.  It only took me 4 months to take the shot and another 2 to post it but hey, at least I can say I finally did it.

As much as I’d like to post one of those blow-your-mind epic shots of this beauty I’m afraid this is probably the best you’ll get from me.  Let’ face it, there are a kagillion other photographers who have lived here all of their lives and have probably been taking her portrait since they were 5 years old.  They know all the of the rock-star ledges to balance a tripod on, killer views to zoom in on and know the best helicopter cabs to hang out of in order to get those famous heart-stopping shots we’re all too familiar with…seriously they know what they’re fippin’ doing.

It’s not that I don’t know what I’m doing as a photographer, I just don’t think I could ever capture her majestic splendor or the true essence of her beauty. I might as well be a tourist for cryin’ out loud when it comes to taking pictures of her.

One just doesn’t pull out a camera (although that’s a good start), zero the meter, snap a quick shot and deliver an image that causes jaws to drop, thousands of likes on social sites and evoke collectors to gladly spend several hundred dollars (or more) to get their hands on one.  No, you’ll need a lot of dedication and persistence to capture her true beauty, strength and glory.

Oh, and you’ll also need a lot of patience…and I mean a lot because the fog is fickle and thus so is she. One day she might be fully dressed and another completely naked basking in the golden sun of the pacific coast. Regardless of how the mood of the bay and the soul of the city have her cloaked she’s undeniably magical and will always find a way to take your breath away. She’ll impress you on a grand level without fail no matter what time of day or night it happens to be.

So if you’re patient, dedicated and persistent you might be one of those photographers who manage to eventually capture her good side…which by the way is every side.  However, (and I think she would agree) I think while all her sides are good her best side is her southbound side.  Why do I think her southbound side is the best?  Because it’s the side that first welcomes you to San Francisco.  It’s where she patiently awaits to greet you as you approach the city. It’s where she hides among the hills of Marin and then from out of nowhere emerges with a humbling yet colossal surprise.  I have yet to turn through that last hill as she makes herself known and not felt myself gasp silently in wonderment as if I was seeing her for the very first time.

Her stature is firm yet welcoming with outstretched arms and safe passage to all who want to explore.  As you approach her embrace she whispers the going-ons of the city that lay just on her other side. She is the gateway for hope, adventure and opportunity.  She won’t promise success but if you find yourself lost and you think you might quit she’s always there waiting patiently with a promise to greet you when you’re ready to return and try again.  However, if you do happen make it big she’ll be sure to remind you quickly just how small you still really are in the grand scheme of things.

And as I traverse via her northbound side I find she has a different energy about her steel and sway. She greets me in the morning with a reminder that opportunity awaits and quietly waves goodbye to me without saying a word in the evening when I’m heading home; it’s as if she already knows I’ll be back again the next day.  I admit too that I always glance in my rearview mirror when I know I’m approaching the point at which she inevitably tucks herself back away among the hills of Marin like a secret.  I guess that’s my way of quietly waving goodbye to her.

I know as the sun sets and the sky turns dark she still patiently stands post to greet those whom travel by night.  While I can’t see her from the view at my home I can hear the fog horns that share her post and I know she’s out there.  She’s forever faithful and I wonder if I’ll ever take her for granted.  I highly doubt I ever will.

No, I don’t think I could ever capture the true essence of her beauty with my camera. As much as I dream about it I just don’t think I ever can.  When it comes to taking larger-than-life-well-beyond-epic images of San Francisco’s beautiful Golden Gate Girl I’m perfectly content to leaving it up to the GGB paparazzi.  In the meantime, though I might just continue taking pictures of her anyway until I at least get a little better at it.

Yes, I think she would want that
Image of the Golden Gate Bridge

I am,
The Urban Mountaineer













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