It’s football season and it’s all about the spread…

For the game day sandwiches that is!
10012018-5178-(1)And we all know that no great sandwich ever started off with a lame spread.  In fact, the spread is the magic, the foundation for greatness to build upon.   The spread makes all the difference in the world.  And anyone who’s ever made their own will agree with me when I say, there’s nothing better than fresh made mayo – simply trust me and skip the jar at the grocery store because there is NO comparison.

Now, I know that you might be thinking to yourself right now that making your own fresh mayo sounds like a lot of work or that it’s probably a tricky endeavor but trust me…it’s rather quite simple.  We’re talking six ingredients here, an immersion blender, a jar and happy sandwiches in your future in less than 10 minutes tops!

So, shall we make a batch?

Here’s the lineup (sorry, I couldn’t help myself)

1 Cup Avocado oil
1 Large Egg (the freshest egg you can buy and let it get to room temperature)
¼ tsp White wine vinegar
½ tsp Dijon mustard
¼ tsp salt
1 tsp fresh squeezed lemon juice

To mix I use the container that came with my immersion blender because it’s a tall cylinder shape that’s wide enough to properly blend the ingredients.  If you have a wide mouth canning jar that works great as well.

Add the egg first followed by the vinegar, oil and the rest of the ingredients.  Then put the blender all the way to the bottom on your container and let it blend for about 30 seconds, then slowly raise it up blending as you go until everything is blended well and is smooth.  Your mayo will thicken up after it’s been refrigerated for a little bit but you don’t need to wait for that to happen before you can enjoy it.  I say make those sammies right away and score some points with your couch stadium friends (sorry I couldn’t resist dropping one more in the mix)!

And there you have it, the simple base and I encourage you to play with this recipe and create your own additional flavors such as a couple of my favorites, chipotle, roasted tomato and a lovely avocado/cilantro blend.  There are no flavor limits…well maybe not cotton candy, that would surly be a flavor limit.

Now, back to making sandwiches…

I am,
The Urban Mountaineer

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