This “New Year” will be my “Now” Year!


holiday_candle_IMG_2520-The holiday season this year was strange and unusual for me. This is because I didn’t have the opportunity to take time off from work like I typically do in order to hang out with my daughter during her winter break.  We also use this time to travel and visit with our family and friends back home. Continue reading

“Robot Mode” and the Magic “Yes”

glass ornaments in a holiday bowl

I typically try to avoid getting entangled in the craziness of holiday shopping. I get what I need before Thanksgiving and pray I need nothing more (besides groceries that is) after that. I avoid areas within 5 miles of malls or major shopping hubs during this time like I would avoid parking my car downtown in a certain city on devil’s night. However this year’s lack of planning found me at the last minute in need of gift tags and bags for cookies I had baked for my daughter’s teachers. Continue reading

We could certainly learn a lot from the dead, “The Walking Dead” that is.

picture of bundled herbs

I thought a picture of Thanksgiving herbs were far more appropriate than zombies.


During the week of Thanksgiving I started working on my daily preparation task list for the pending holiday feast. My daughter decided this year to let me handle everything (I was not surprised) while she decided to indulge in a little “Walking Dead” via Netflix. Because Netflix automatically advances to the next episode in a series she decided to settle into a “Walking Dead” marathon while I painstakingly chopped onions and herbs, peeled and roasted squash, cubed loaves of bread…you get the idea. Continue reading

My daughter, the “leech of my life”

girl swinging on a tire swing


Did I just call my daughter a “life leech”?  Yes I did.  It happened in just a fraction of a second while hiking together along a nearby path in our neighborhood.  Why did I call her a life leech?  I’m not sure but I think it was a Freudian slip of humor. Continue reading