Just a girl and her camera

Old building with blue door

As photographer I have so much to learn. I know this will take time but I will learn and continue to do so as long as I have a camera to shoot. It is my deepest desire and passion to go well beyond just taking a picture; it is to capture truth, beauty and energy in a moment no matter the subject that might go unnoticed and slip away forever being unseen and known.

As a photographer I don’t want to merely present a picture; I want to tell a story, I want to share a beautiful image-driven story and evoke a feeling by those who view it. As a photographer I know my art is never complete until someone views and feels something about it.

And while I might occasionally stumble on exposure, miscalculate depth of field or miss my mark on lighting please know that with every image I share I have completely put myself into it with the best intentions of sharing something not just beautiful but meaningful as well for those interested in viewing my work.

Peace from Missoula…

I am,
The Urban Mountaineer