My pictures just don’t do her justice

Image of the Gold Gate Bridge

It’s been said that Princess Diana was the most photographed woman in the world but I believe San Francisco’s iconic Golden Gate Bridge has got her beat.  That being said I could hardly consider myself a resident until I took at least one pic of her.  And so I have…finally.  It only took me 4 months to take the shot and another 2 to post it but hey, at least I can say I finally did it.

As much as I’d like to post one of those blow-your-mind epic shots of this beauty I’m afraid this is probably the best you’ll get from me.  Let’ face it, there are a kagillion other photographers who have lived here all of their lives and have probably been taking her portrait since they were 5 years old.  They know all the of the rock-star ledges to balance a tripod on, killer views to zoom in on and know the best helicopter cabs to hang out of in order to get those famous heart-stopping shots we’re all too familiar with…seriously they know what they’re fippin’ doing. Continue reading