My daughter and I have a “Love-Haight” relationship….

young girl looking at records

I think it’s the distinct historical neighborhoods that collectively make up the super-eclectic vibe that pulses through the city of San Francisco.  EsEf definitely exhales with a diversified force like no other city I’ve known.  Its core is the roots of a rich history and these neighborhoods are the extension of one of the best cities ever to live in or at least be a part of.  It’s a soft and subtle fusion of anything and everything that is possible and more on a fast track of vibrant urban movement.

To me, they are the many corners and secret niches of a remarkable Victorian mansion connecting all the rooms as a whole but each having their own unique décor and I want to see them all! Continue reading

My pictures just don’t do her justice

Image of the Gold Gate Bridge

It’s been said that Princess Diana was the most photographed woman in the world but I believe San Francisco’s iconic Golden Gate Bridge has got her beat.  That being said I could hardly consider myself a resident until I took at least one pic of her.  And so I have…finally.  It only took me 4 months to take the shot and another 2 to post it but hey, at least I can say I finally did it.

As much as I’d like to post one of those blow-your-mind epic shots of this beauty I’m afraid this is probably the best you’ll get from me.  Let’ face it, there are a kagillion other photographers who have lived here all of their lives and have probably been taking her portrait since they were 5 years old.  They know all the of the rock-star ledges to balance a tripod on, killer views to zoom in on and know the best helicopter cabs to hang out of in order to get those famous heart-stopping shots we’re all too familiar with…seriously they know what they’re fippin’ doing. Continue reading

Just in time for the weekend: Tabouli

Bowl of Tabouli on a wood table


I’ve been so busy with my relocation it seems like I’ve barely set foot in the kitchen to make anything more robust than a jumbo cappuccino or an occasional hand-tossed pizza.  But I think I’m getting my culinary groove back and happy to say my pots and pans are starting to feel less neglected.

Recently I had a couple of friends visit over the Memorial Day holiday and we pretty much noshed on simple foods for the day (accompanied by fabulous wines of course). I just had to make Tabouli because it’s one of my favorite summertime food staples. I love how light and fresh it tastes and at the same time has such depth of flavors. It’s so easy to make (I’m not kidding) yet it’s a perfect dish for any meal. Plus I think it’s pretty darn healthy and healthy food allows me to feel less guilty about the wine. Continue reading

Sifting Through Chinatown 1 and 2


In a quest to truly learn my way around the city I’ve decided to take a series of self-guided walking tours that are designed to help me get more familiar with the various neighborhoods, hot spots and points of interest San Francisco has to offer. I purchased a box of 50 tour cards with maps on one side and a quick tour narrative on the other. I figured I’d do a tour a week and by the end of the year I should know my way around like a native or just enough to get lost on a regular basis. Will I actually do a tour every week? I doubt it however I will work my way through the deck until I’ve done everyone.

My first adventure recently took me into the well-known “Chinatown” district and WOW I think my brain is till on sensory overload. Not in a bad way it’s just overloaded with sites, sounds, smells and the energy that comes from being in a crowded and unknown place bustling with activity. Continue reading

Sunshine, butterflies and a navigation system

Young girl taking pictures under the Golden Gate Bridge

Rainey taking pictures under the Golden Gate Bridge


Now that I’ve landed just outside of San Francisco my friends have been asking me often if I’m digging it here, more specifically if I’m digging the city. This isn’t an easy question to answer considering the long journey in which my daughter and I have taken in order to get here and why we did so. Of course it’s an amazing place. I know it sounds glamorous to up and move to a big city … but no, it’s not always so. And when I’m asked if I like California better than Colorado I can’t say either way because those are two completely different places. It would be like comparing expensive apples to really expensive oranges. I have yet to figure out how to do that. I can say for sure It’s not always sunshine and butterflies however, there is sunshine and there are butterflies….lots of butterflies.

So why did we move here in the first place? Well that’s a semi-long and somewhat simple answer, which goes like this: Continue reading

Was it content or intent that actually got me here?


Image of a Canon 5D Mark iii camera

As I sifted through the minimal life belongings that could fit into my car (and I mean mostly all camera gear) to find a clean pair of socks (which by the way was not as important as finding the right lens) I stopped to reflect over the past year and the incremental decisions and events that led up to this very moment of glorious yet exhausting chaos…aka my current place of being. Continue reading

The Worn Threads of a Journey

image of worn out running shoes. photo by Darcy Baker PhotographyIt was a beautiful morning and being on the heels of winter it was brisk no doubt. Nonetheless, it was a perfect morning for a long over-due leisurely run.  Swaddled in a few layers of brace-yourself-for-the-cold clothing I took in a long deep breath and headed out in a slow sprint.  By the time I came into the home stretch I was feeling pretty good about my run after finishing with a surprisingly strong stride. Continue reading

Montana Clouds

Blue Sky, Clouds

I woke up with clouds in my head and upon opening my eyes I saw them, all of them. I saw them through my window sweeping by at an extraordinary speed as if they too have overslept and were behind with their earthly schedule.

“Get moving, let’s get this day started,” they whispered softly yet with sternness (as clouds sometimes do) as they quickly passed by.

“Ha! I replied, why should I? It seems like you’re doing a great job all by yourself. I should rather sleep if you don’t mind”

But alas, I am a photographer and I must chase the light.

…I did not fall back asleep after all.

I am,
The Urban Mountaineer

Just a girl and her camera

Old building with blue door

As photographer I have so much to learn. I know this will take time but I will learn and continue to do so as long as I have a camera to shoot. It is my deepest desire and passion to go well beyond just taking a picture; it is to capture truth, beauty and energy in a moment no matter the subject that might go unnoticed and slip away forever being unseen and known.

As a photographer I don’t want to merely present a picture; I want to tell a story, I want to share a beautiful image-driven story and evoke a feeling by those who view it. As a photographer I know my art is never complete until someone views and feels something about it.

And while I might occasionally stumble on exposure, miscalculate depth of field or miss my mark on lighting please know that with every image I share I have completely put myself into it with the best intentions of sharing something not just beautiful but meaningful as well for those interested in viewing my work.

Peace from Missoula…

I am,
The Urban Mountaineer

Tenacity and the Walla Walla Sweet Onion

picture of a Walla Walla sweet onion

For those of you who know me well, know I’m always exploring new ingredients to play with in the kitchen. So when my dad was raving about a Walla Walla sweet onion he and my mom recently discovered I knew it would be the next new thing I would be trying.

I’ve never had a Walla Walla sweet onion before. I guess that’s because I live in Colorado…not Washington. But after hearing my parents go on and on…AND ON about these fabulous sweet onions it became my mission de jour to track some down. Continue reading