We could certainly learn a lot from the dead, “The Walking Dead” that is.

picture of bundled herbs

I thought a picture of Thanksgiving herbs were far more appropriate than zombies.


During the week of Thanksgiving I started working on my daily preparation task list for the pending holiday feast. My daughter decided this year to let me handle everything (I was not surprised) while she decided to indulge in a little “Walking Dead” via Netflix. Because Netflix automatically advances to the next episode in a series she decided to settle into a “Walking Dead” marathon while I painstakingly chopped onions and herbs, peeled and roasted squash, cubed loaves of bread…you get the idea. Continue reading

My daughter, the “leech of my life”

girl swinging on a tire swing


Did I just call my daughter a “life leech”?  Yes I did.  It happened in just a fraction of a second while hiking together along a nearby path in our neighborhood.  Why did I call her a life leech?  I’m not sure but I think it was a Freudian slip of humor. Continue reading

The Red “X” and a battle for perfection

The red X

The red X and a battle for perfection

I wonder, how many terrific ideas exist but never have the chance of seeing the light of day?  I find myself pondering this question as I sit here telling myself I can’t publish an article I wrote last week because I haven’t had the time to take a proper corresponding image for it. Continue reading

A ghost town, a chemical engineer and childhood memories…keeping St. Elmo alive

image of the ghost town St. Elmo

What I love most about exploring places with camera in tow is meeting new people along the way.  I’m not sure if I’m just overly grateful or am super lucky but it seems like I always meet at least one truly special person during a photo excursion that leaves an impression on me in which I reflect upon many times well after my trip. Continue reading

A road leads to a random yet precise convergence


Image of Bear Tooth Pass, Montana

From the moment I arrived in Red Lodge I started meeting the most endearing people.  I spent a good deal of time chit-chatting with many locals. both in their businesses and at their homes while they watered their lawns as I passed by with cameras in tow. Continue reading

A scenic route unfolds into quite a discovery…

image of Smith Mine in Bear Creek, MT

There wasn’t a sound save for a piece of metal on the roof of one of the buildings.  It swayed and squeaked reluctantly and ever so slowly in retaliation to the blowing wind.

I arrive in Red Lodge tired but somewhat amped after a long day of driving (the box of Milk Duds I ate had nothing to do with it at all). My first thought after checking in was to get the camera out and start taking pics.  I didn’t want to drive around aimlessly though because after an already full day of driving it was going to be a quick shoot (and seriously how much driving can a girl do in a day?). Continue reading

Milk Duds, a map and the Montana state line

image of a map and a box of milk duds

It was as if Wyoming had said “a tout a l’heure” (with a stately giggle) and sent me on my way into a vast land of “nothing”.

My journey to Red Lodge began two days prior with a few phone calls and some pretty swift packing. According to my map the quickest route was I 25 north through Wyoming with a quick left once into Montana.  Easy enough.  Route planned, cameras and computer packed along with a suit case and my cappuccino machine…yes, my cappuccino machine.

A departure time of 3:00am was set. Continue reading

Back to my roots via Red Lodge, Montana


Grandma Lu

“My mother was so mad. The first thing she said to me when she got off the train was…

I’ve always wanted to go to Red Lodge, Montana.  Okay maybe not always but I’ve wanted to go ever since Grandma Lou (her name was Lucile but we called her Grandma Lou) told me that’s where she grew up. Continue reading

It’s your destination so be sure to enjoy the ride!

picture of hwy 285 in Colorado near Mt. Prineton

You may find yourself on the same path as many others however, that doesn’t mean you’re heading for the same destination.  What matters most is that you determine what  your own destination will be and never forget to enjoy the ride!

I overheard someone talking the other day about how disappointed they were in the progress of their career in comparison to others. They couldn’t understand why after several years on the same path they didn’t have the same job title or status as those with similar education and experience. I thought that was rather odd.  The conversation then triggered my memory of my childhood road trips. Continue reading

Finding the real gem buried in a sea of treasures

picture of antique chair at the Silver Plume Tea House, CO

I’ve lived in Colorado for over 15 years now and not once have I pondered the idea of exiting I-70 at Silver Plume for a visit.  Quite honestly Silver Plume never meant anything more than just the exit before George Town, which was the half-way mark to Frisco or Breckenridge (where I am typically heading to).  But the thought of pulling off at that exit never occurred to me.

That was until about three years ago… Continue reading