Montana Clouds

Blue Sky, Clouds

I woke up with clouds in my head and upon opening my eyes I saw them, all of them. I saw them through my window sweeping by at an extraordinary speed as if they too have overslept and were behind with their earthly schedule.

“Get moving, let’s get this day started,” they whispered softly yet with sternness (as clouds sometimes do) as they quickly passed by.

“Ha! I replied, why should I? It seems like you’re doing a great job all by yourself. I should rather sleep if you don’t mind”

But alas, I am a photographer and I must chase the light.

…I did not fall back asleep after all.

I am,
The Urban Mountaineer

Just a girl and her camera

Old building with blue door

As photographer I have so much to learn. I know this will take time but I will learn and continue to do so as long as I have a camera to shoot. It is my deepest desire and passion to go well beyond just taking a picture; it is to capture truth, beauty and energy in a moment no matter the subject that might go unnoticed and slip away forever being unseen and known.

As a photographer I don’t want to merely present a picture; I want to tell a story, I want to share a beautiful image-driven story and evoke a feeling by those who view it. As a photographer I know my art is never complete until someone views and feels something about it.

And while I might occasionally stumble on exposure, miscalculate depth of field or miss my mark on lighting please know that with every image I share I have completely put myself into it with the best intentions of sharing something not just beautiful but meaningful as well for those interested in viewing my work.

Peace from Missoula…

I am,
The Urban Mountaineer

Tenacity and the Walla Walla Sweet Onion

picture of a Walla Walla sweet onion

For those of you who know me well, know I’m always exploring new ingredients to play with in the kitchen. So when my dad was raving about a Walla Walla sweet onion he and my mom recently discovered I knew it would be the next new thing I would be trying.

I’ve never had a Walla Walla sweet onion before. I guess that’s because I live in Colorado…not Washington. But after hearing my parents go on and on…AND ON about these fabulous sweet onions it became my mission de jour to track some down. Continue reading

A stay-cation and some paletas

palete tri_berry_IMG_3488(2)-3488

Well I’m happy to say I made it through the process of selling my house, triple downsizing and moving into our new “temporary” home in one piece. As a much deserved reward I decided to take a couple of days (well 3 actually) off work to hang with my daughter around the pool and relax while meeting our new neighbors. I actually think I deserve a grander reward but for now 3 days would have to do.

To add to the theme of our pools-side mini stay-cation I thought it would be fun to make homemade Paletas. And without hesitation I ordered a frozen ice treat mold and of course a recipe book to boost our success with big visions my daughter and I making our way to the pool with a cooler chock full of the best ever frozen treats this side of the Mexican border.

*This is where the needle scratches the vinyl* Continue reading

A case of wine to mark the milestones

Wine, Caymus

I recently moved and during the last week of packing what I call my “last to pack first to open bare essentials” I was a little surprised by a case of wine I had so lovingly extracted from the bottom shelf of my kitchen pantry. Trust me, the mere existence of this wine in my pantry wasn’t the surprise, that fact that the box was completely full is what surprised me. Continue reading

Today I hang my flag

American Flag_3278(3)-

It’s Memorial Day and today I hang my American flag.  I hang my 13 year-old flag that’s very worn; the colors are faded and it bares many holes.  I worry for a moment if my neighbors think I’m cheap or disrespectful for hanging such a tired old flag but that moment quickly passes because I really don’t care.  This old flag that I hang year after year means more to me than just stars and stripes or a symbol that I too have much gratitude for all of our vets who have so selflessly and bravely fought for the freedom and safety of our country and others.

I continue to hang this flag year after year in honor of a friend and brave soldier I used to know.

I continue to hang it year after year for a friend who came over with his wife on September 11, 2001 to share in the grief our county was struck with on that very day.  And that flag I hang year after year regardless of its condition is the very same flag I ordered with my friends the day after 911.

I continue to hang this flag year after year in honor of my friend who was so inspired by the devastation on 911 he eventually reenlisted into the military.

I continue to hang this flag year after year in honor of my friend and brave soldier who, was so passionate about humanity he ended up in Afghanistan.

I hang this tired, old and worn out flag year after year in honor of my friend and brave soldier who never came home.

I hang this flag year after year in honor of  Sgt. Jon Stiles.

I know this flag will eventually be no more but as long as it’s willing to hang on proudly I will continue to hang it…year after year.

I am,
The Urban Mountaineer






Post Mother’s Day Mush


My baby then...

My baby then…

This recent Mother’s day my daughter and I decided to chill on the couch and watch some movies.  We started to watch a movie about a stay-home mom of two children.  She desperately tried to weave in a career of blogging among all of the overly dramatized daily chaotic tasks of tending to the her children. I say overly dramatized not because I think raising children is easy, I say it because she forgot she was wearing pajamas while running out the door to take the kiddos to school.   This doesn’t happen in real life, I don’t care how busy things are, it just doesn’t happen. Continue reading

Sometimes you just need a little “attagirl” (or boy) to keep you running.

image of a pair of running shoes

Saturday morning rolls around and I wanted to sleep in.  Not that I really know what sleeping in feels like.  Quite honestly I can’t remember the last time I slept in.  I’m sure I have, I just can’t remember when.

I’m mentally exhausted and desperately in need of a cocktail-on-the-beach kind of vacation.  Reality says though, I’m waking up in my home not on a beach.  So I convince my eyes to slowly open and observe the four walls of an interior room sans sand, surf and umbrella drink.  In doing this I realize I have absolutely no excuse to be so leisurely.  You simply can’t be lazy unless of course you have an umbrella drink in your hand. Continue reading

“I am” therefore….

The John Denver Memorial Park

I’ve found lately that if I just enjoy the moments as they come and not worry so much about which moment will come next, which decision I think I’ll need to make soon or which path I should be on in order to get to where I want to go …later, I find myself effortlessly in a beautiful and peaceful place. Continue reading

The “hand-written letter” makes a come back

Floral note cards in a bowl

I recently received a letter in the mail.  Not some commercial printed for the masses kind of letter, a real letter.  A letter written by a person…someone I knew.  I received a handcrafted letter written specifically for me.  I’ll even go as far to share that not only was this letter hand written, it was written on regular ol’ lined notepad paper. Continue reading