A scenic route unfolds into quite a discovery…

image of Smith Mine in Bear Creek, MT

There wasn’t a sound save for a piece of metal on the roof of one of the buildings.  It swayed and squeaked reluctantly and ever so slowly in retaliation to the blowing wind.

I arrive in Red Lodge tired but somewhat amped after a long day of driving (the box of Milk Duds I ate had nothing to do with it at all). My first thought after checking in was to get the camera out and start taking pics.  I didn’t want to drive around aimlessly though because after an already full day of driving it was going to be a quick shoot (and seriously how much driving can a girl do in a day?). Continue reading

Back to my roots via Red Lodge, Montana


Grandma Lu

“My mother was so mad. The first thing she said to me when she got off the train was…

I’ve always wanted to go to Red Lodge, Montana.  Okay maybe not always but I’ve wanted to go ever since Grandma Lou (her name was Lucile but we called her Grandma Lou) told me that’s where she grew up. Continue reading