Sunshine, butterflies and a navigation system

Young girl taking pictures under the Golden Gate Bridge

Rainey taking pictures under the Golden Gate Bridge


Now that I’ve landed just outside of San Francisco my friends have been asking me often if I’m digging it here, more specifically if I’m digging the city. This isn’t an easy question to answer considering the long journey in which my daughter and I have taken in order to get here and why we did so. Of course it’s an amazing place. I know it sounds glamorous to up and move to a big city … but no, it’s not always so. And when I’m asked if I like California better than Colorado I can’t say either way because those are two completely different places. It would be like comparing expensive apples to really expensive oranges. I have yet to figure out how to do that. I can say for sure It’s not always sunshine and butterflies however, there is sunshine and there are butterflies….lots of butterflies.

So why did we move here in the first place? Well that’s a semi-long and somewhat simple answer, which goes like this: Continue reading