I Don’t Mind the Rain


I awoke Saturday morning to the soft pitter-patter of rain drops gently falling on the trees in the woods and on my roof. I don’t mind the rain. The clouds have rolled in, the skies have become a landscape of grey and white billowing whispers and it makes feel calm…quiet.  No, I don’t mind the rain at all.

It rained all day on Saturday and all the way into my Sunday in which I once again awoke to that familiar sound of gentle pitter-patter.  A sound that without much effort quickly per-swayed me back into a restful state.

No, I don’t mind the rain, in fact I don’t mind the quite grey clouds that sneak in to mingle with the bright white happy ones.  The sound of the drops falling from the sky especially when they tag the leaves in the trees on their way down and dance on the puddles their predecessors created are gentle reminders for me to stop and breathe.

I listen for their rhythm, I listen to hear the wind that has carried them my way and I wonder how far they’ve had to fall in order to reach me. I appreciate their journey.  I listen to stop, iI stop to breathe and I connect.

No, I don’t mind the rain.  The rain reminds me there is comfort right where I am in the moment.  It reminds me that it’s okay to stop, rest and allow myself to rejuvenate quietly.  It reminds me that I’m not always in control and that’s okay too.

*I am rejuvenated*

I am,
The Urban Mountaineer